Hello my Brothers,
I would like to remind you of the August stated meeting to be held Wednesday, August 7th at the Austin Scottish Rite Temple. Please join us at the capping and ring ceremony held for our newest members of the Austin Valley before the meeting.
The evening will start at 5:30 p.m. with a presentation from the Collegium Ecossaise in the auditorium. Brother Christian Moore, Venerable Master of the Collegium Ecossaise will be presenting a history of the Scottish Rite jurisdictions. Brother Moore has indicated that the presentation will be appropriate for family members who are interested in attending.
Dinner will be served in the dining room at 6:30 p.m. Brother Mark Strauss and his wife will be hosting the dinner with the assistance of Brother Mike Sentell and the Order of the Garde Manger. Family members are encouraged to have dinner with us and to attend the capping ceremony.
We will meet in the auditorium at 7:30 p.m. to present the new members with their caps, 14th degree rings, and patents.
The guests will be invited to retire to the lobbies while we conduct an efficient but thorough stated meeting following the ceremony. Members are welcome to escort their guests home if they wish to do so at that time.
The capping ceremony is a great opportunity for you to get to know the new members and for them to appreciate the support and fraternal friendship we enjoy at the Austin Valley.
I hope to see you all there.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Don Eames 33 ° I.G.H.
Personal Representative &
General Secretary
Austin Scottish Rite