The Collegium Ritualis Écossais is the educational body of the Austin Scottish Rite. The Collegium explores the history, philosophy, and ritual of the Scottish Rite degrees under the direction of Venerable Master Paul Edward Rana.
The Collegium meets monthly at 5:30pm before Stated Meetings (1st Wednesday) in the Austin Scottish Rite Theatre. In each meeting, we review one Scottish Rite degree in depth, or occasionally have a special educational presentation on the philosophy and esotericism of the Scottish Rite. Each member is encouraged to study and ready up on the upcoming degree before our meetings.
The Collegium is open to all Scottish Rite Masons, and no special invitation or fee is required. Likewise, the Scottish Rite’s three Master Craftsman courses are not required, but are highly recommended for Collegium members.
Interested members may contact Venerable Master Paul Edward Rana at for more information and to join our members only GroupMe chat.