Hello my Brother,
I wish you all a happy spring and hope that this correspondence finds you well. With spring comes the promise of new beginnings. This is certainly the case with the Austin Scottish Rite Valley and the promise of new friends and Brothers that will become members during the 2022 Spring Reunion.
I invite you to attend the 2022 Spring Scottish Rite Reunion for the Valley of Austin on two Saturday’s in May. This is our best opportunity to meet the new candidates, catch up with our friends and Brothers, and to revisit the lessons of our degrees.
There is still time to help one of your Lodge Brothers who has not yet become a Scottish Rite Mason to become a Prince of the Royal Secret. If you have a Brother in mind that has expressed interest in joining, or that you think might be a worthy addition to our membership, assist him by offering your mentorship and a petition. Petitions can be accessed at:
The deadline for the 2022 Spring reunion is May 4th. The petition can be scanned and emailed in to the General Secretary’s office at gs@austinscottishrite.org or can be mailed to:
297 W. 18th St.
Austin, TX 78701-1308
The 2022 spring Reunion will be dedicated to Illustrious Brother Jerry Casebolt 33° I.G.H. and will be held on the following dates at the Austin Scottish Rite Rite Temple:
Saturday, May 14 starting at 7:00 a.m. 4th – 18th degree
Saturday May 28 starting at 7:00 a.m. 19th – 32nd degree
Breakfast will be served at 7:00 a.m. and lunch will be served at mid-day in the dining room. The schedule for the degrees and communication will be sent out closer to the reunion.
I look forward to a great reunion and hope that I will see many of you there. Please join us in welcoming these new members to the Rite and enjoy one of the best parts of the Scottish Rite schedule. Let me know if you have any questions by emailing me at gs@austinscottishrite.org
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Don Eames
General Secretary
Austin Scottish Rite