Good morning Brothers,
I hope you are all doing well and finding many new experiences to look forward to in the New Year.
At our last stated meeting held on January 4th, the Valley of Austin installed the officers of the Fidelity Lodge of Perfection, the Philip C. Tucker Chapter of Rose Croix, the James D. Richardson Council of Kadosh, and the Austin Consistory. The officers of the lines who were not present are considered to be installed “in abstentia”.
The officers installed will lead the Valley into 2023 and beyond as dedicated members of our Fraternity.
To start the year off with direction and opportunities to focus on success, we will be holding a “Leadership Retreat” on Saturday morning, February 11 at 9:00 a.m. The event will be held at the Scottish Rite Temple, in the dining hall.
The Leadership Retreat is open to all officers, leaders, and those who are interested in leadership positions in the Valley.
Information on the Fraternity and operations will be presented. Direction of the Valley will be discussed and there will be opportunities to ask questions regarding the Scottish Rite.
Attendance is highly recommended for the officers of all Austin Scottish Rite Bodies, particularly those who were unable to attend the installation of officers.
Breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m. in the dining room and the event is scheduled to end by noon.
I hope to see the line officers and anyone who is interested in Valley leadership at the event.
Sincerely and Fraternally
Don Eames
General Secretary
Austin Scottish Rite