Hello my Brother,
I wish you all a happy Fall season and hope that this correspondence finds you well. As we inch closer to the new year we will pause to welcome new members to the Austin Scottish Rite on this Saturday, November 16.
I invite you to attend the 2024 Fall Scottish Rite One-day Reunion for the Valley of Austin. This is our best opportunity to meet the new candidates, catch up with our friends and Brothers, and to revisit the lessons of our degrees.
The 2024 Fall Reunion will be dedicated to the memory of Illustrious Brother James A. Baker, 33° I.G.H. We will celebrate the memory and contributions of Brother Baker at our noon meal during the reunion.

Please join us for the entire day or for one of the degrees to support the degree teams, Sanhedrin, and the new candidates. The Brothers of your Valley look forward to your attendance and the opportunity to catch up with Masonic news.
Doors open at 6:45 and breakfast will be served at 7:00 a.m.
We look forward to seeing you Saturday and hope you have a great week.
Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024
Doors Open………………………………6:45 am
Breakfast (Dining Room)………..7:00 am
Orientation……………………………….7:30 am
Opening Ceremony…………………7:45 am
Lodge of Perfection intro………..8:00 am
4 (Secret Master)………………………8:15 am
Break…………………………………………8:45 am
5 – 13 communicated………………..8:50 am
Break…………………………………………9:30 am
14 (Perfect Elu)………………………..9:35 am
Break……………………………………….10:35 am
Chapter of Rose Croix intro…..10:40 am
15 – 17 communicated……………..10:50 am
Officer Electi.on……………………..11:10 am
Class Photo………………………………11:40 am
Lunch (Dining Room)……………12:00 pm
James Baker Memorial…………..12:30 pm
18 (Knight of Rose Croix)……….1:00 pm
Break…………………………………………2:30 pm
Council of Kadosh intro…………..2:35 pm
19 – 29 communicated………………..2:45 pm
Break…………………………………………3:30 pm
30 (Knight Kadosh)…………………..3:35 pm
Break…………………………………………4:45 pm
Consistory intro………………………..4:50 pm
31 communicated……………………..5:00 pm
Break…………………………………………5:10 pm
32 (Master of Royal Secret)……….5:15 pm
Closing Ceremony…………………….6:45 pm
Don Eames 33° IGH
Personal Representative &
General Secretary
Austin Scottish Rite