While Hurricane Harvey is now passed, the devastating aftermath will go on for many, many months. I have had numerous conversations regarding our brethren and lodges who need help and some of the resources available to them. Reports are still sporadic due to the fact of extensive infrastructure damage in some of the areas. Additionally, we may not be thought of as a resource for aid and comfort.
The Valley of San Antonio, Houston, and Galveston have had many devastating losses. In addition, the storm reached well into the Austin Valley, primarily east of IH 35.
We ask that any brother or lodge that has sustained losses, or if you know of anyone or any lodge that have sustained losses related to the hurricane, please make it known to us immediately. There may be some masonic resources available to them.
Please keep in touch with us through email, by phone, or through your Lodge Ambassador. In addition, watch our website for additional information.
Many of us have already given of our time and treasure to help folks. I hope that we can develop some efforts going forward whereby we can fulfill our obligations as Mason to help those in need. Please contact us with your suggestions how we should go about this and your willingness to be involved.
Your calls, emails, and website contacts are most welcome. However, remember that some of our members may not have those resources at their disposal. I ask that you reach out to them with this appeal on our behalf.
The Valley of Houston compiled a list of non-masonic resources that may be helpful. I have copied them below.
Remember to review your insurance policies and claim filing procedures. Be diligent about your claims and assets so that you may have a better outcome. Make sure you have everything in order to avoid more difficulty. (This is verified) The State Bar of Texas will be providing free legal advice (limited) to those affected by the Hurricane.
Call 1-800 504-7030 Here is the link:
As for filing for FEMA, please help spread this information to those affected.
Here is the link below for filing for assistance:
For our more available brethren, here are a list of volunteer organizations that are needing labor. (Please remember though our lessons of the cable tow to help you decide how to best help. If it is safer to stay put, do so.)
(The above list is for the Houston area. Anyone knowing of a local list, please advise Brian Vance)
We will keep you all updated with relief efforts as The SGIG and the Grand Master will be providing us with details on coordinating relief efforts among all Lodges and Bodies within the next few days.
Thank you Brother Heale, PR of the Houston Valley, for the information above.
Please contact us at or through your Lodge Ambassador.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Brian Vance
Chairman and Personal Representative
Austin Valley of Scottish Rite
Scottish Rite Office 512-269-0081
George Moxley
General Secretary
Scottish Rite Office 512-269-0081