Just a quick reminder regarding our Valley virtual meeting and fundraiser on Friday, November 13th at 7:00 p.m..
Some of the most crucial programs of the Valley are supported by your generosity. Proceeds from previous fund raisers have gone for membership services such as newsletter, Reunion costume cleaning and repair budget, Lodge furniture for our Texian Degree Team, and educational materials.
The Feast of Foundation is our primary membership recruitment activity and is solely funded by the proceeds of membership donations to this fundraiser. Our first Feast of Foundation yielded us three times as many new members that we have in previous years.
Further improvement of membership communication and recruitment, in addition to education and leadership training is a critical to the Valley. Unfortunately, our dues are not enough to support all of these activities. The Valley needs your help. Please consider becoming sponsor for this fundraiser or making a donation. Our website is set up to accommodate online donations or you can do it the old fashion way, as I have, and send a check into the office.
Austin Scottish Rite Bodies
207 W. 18 St.
Austin, TX 78701-1308
Also consider sending in a video about your Masonic journey or mention someone who has mentored you to share the night of the event.
See more details and donate button at:
Fraternal regards,
Brian Vance
Personal Representative
Austin Scottish Rite of Freemasonry