Vern Shankle 32° K.C.C.H.
Brethren, The services for Hon. Bro. Vernon Lee Shankle, 32° K.C.C.H. will be held on Saturday October 28th at 11 AM at Cook Walden Davis Funeral Home in Georgetown Tx 2900 Williams Dr, Georgetown, TX 78628
Rev. Bro. James Lewis will be performing the Funerary services and our own Wise Master Bro. Jim Baker, 33° I.G.H. will lead an AASR Funeral Service at the funeral home.
Post Funeral Masonic Memorial services will immediately follow and be performed at San Gabriel Masonic Lodge #89
900 N College St, Georgetown Tx
Please let all interested Brethren know through your available channels in order that they might be able to attend the services.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Don Eames
General Secretary
Austin Scottish Rite